lunes, 27 de abril de 2020


Hello children, how are you? I hope you are all fine, staying at home and washing your hands every now and then. 

Hola chicos, ¿cómo están? Espero que todos se encuentren muy bien. 

This time, I would like you to draw the part of the house in which you prefer to be and what things you like to do there. 

For example: if your favourite place is the kitchen, and you like cooking there, draw it. Or if you like reading in your bedroom, or playing with a brother or sister in the living room

Esta vez la propuesta es que dibujen el lugar de su casa en el que más les gusta estar. También les pido que se dibujen haciendo lo que más les gusta hacer ahí.

Por ej: si su lugar preferido es la cocina, y a ustedes les gusta cocinar, dibújenlo. O si lo que más les gusta es leer un cuento en su habitación, o jugar con algún hermano en el living. 

I will be expecting your comments, I really like to know we are working together and we are in touch despite this lockdown. 

Estaré esperando sus comentarios. Me pone muy contenta saber que seguimos trabajando y comunicándonos a pesar de la distancia. 

I miss you a lot! 

Los quiero mucho y extraño,

                             Miss   Isa 

16 comentarios:

  1. Hello Miss Isa, how are u? I like play uno cards in the bedroom with my grandmother. kiss and i miss you too!

  2. Hi Salva. How are you? I love playing cards too, it’s really fun! Tell me one thing, who generally wins, your granny or you?
    Thank you for writing your comment. It’ s so nice to read from you.
    Take care and have fun playing al home. Kisses

    1. thanks for answer me miss isa. I also have a lot of fun. I almost always win, but my grandmother also plays very well. Hug

  3. Hello Miss Isa. Marti likes to warch television in the Parents´s bedroom. see you

    1. Hello Martiniano, how nice to know from you! How are you? Thank you so much for writing, I love it.
      I hope you play a lot to, you must have a favourite toy, I’m sure.
      Take care , I miss you . Kisses

  4. Hello, I like Reading with my grandparents in the living room. see you.. Kisses

    1. Hello Fabi, how are you! How nice to listen from you. Thank you for writing. You are a very lucky girl, having your grandparents reading stories to you. I guess you love it.
      Take care. Kisses

  5. Hello Miss Isa!! The part of the house in wich I prefers to be is in my bedroom with my brother playing to toys. Joaquín Falcón

  6. Hello Joaquín. Thanks for writing again! I love to receive your comments.
    I’m very happy to know you can play and enjoy with your brother.
    Send my greetings to him.
    Take care. Kisses

  7. Hola seño hice el dibujo elegí la cocina me encantó besos vicky juarez

    1. Hello Vicky, how are you? Thank you for writing your comment, and congrats for the drawing. Do you like cooking? Take care, miss you a lot. Kisses

  8. Hola seño ,ami me gusta mucho estar en mi dormitorio , mirar la tele y juego con mi juguetes besos soy Giovanni

  9. Hello Giovanni. How are you? Thank you for writing your comment. I love reading what you wrote.
    Tell me which is your favourite toy? Take care. Kisses

  10. Hello miss isabel.I hope you're doing fine. My favourite place at home it's my bedroom. Because that's where i have all my toys. I love playing with my legos because i can build houses with them

  11. Hello Renzo ,how are you? How nice to hear from you!
    I guess you can build wonderful houses and many other things with your legos in your bedroom . Thank you for writing your comment. Take care. Kisses
